Children’s Eye Exams


Set Your Child’s Sights on Clear Vision

As a parent, you are naturally concerned about your child’s health and well-being. Not only do we understand, but we share your concern. Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry provides your child with expert eye care, along with a comfortable experience.

Why Are Children’s Eye Exams Important?

For the first few months of life, your infant will only have the ability to see a few centimetres to a few feet in front of them. However, as they grow, they develop the skills they need to see further, use their eyes together to perceive depth, and gain the ability to differentiate different colours.

An eye exam during this early point in their visual development is critical to detecting and managing issues such as amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (eye turn). Children, especially babies and toddlers, usually cannot communicate that they are experiencing problems with their vision, so an eye exam is essential.

By bringing your child in for regular eye exams early in life and throughout their development, you can mitigate and manage issues before they have the chance to permanently affect your child’s vision.

When to Take Your Child For an Eye Exam

The Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) recommends that children have their first appointment between 6 and 9 months of age. During this time, your child may start to develop symptoms of eye conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (eye turn). Early detection and treatment can prevent these conditions from permanently affecting your child’s vision.

Provided there are no concerns expressed by you or your optometrist during the first visit, the second exam generally takes place between the ages of 2 and 5 years of age, as recommended by CAO. This is when your child starts to use their vision to play and learn, so having an optometrist check your child’s eyes can help ensure their visual skills are developing at the expected rate.

The Eye Exam: Step-By-Step

At the beginning of every exam, Dr. Chan will have a conversation with you to go over your child’s medical history, your family’s medical and ocular history, and address any questions or concerns you might have. This helps her tailor the exam to serve your child best.

Next, Dr. Chan will check your child’s acuity, ocular alignment, eye muscle coordination, and refraction. These tests will alert her to any issues with your child’s vision and if they might need a prescription.

Dr. Chan will also thoroughly check the health of their eyes. Even if your child is seeing properly, there still is a chance for eye diseases or conditions to develop without any signs or symptoms.

Finally, she will share her findings and make recommendations that can help your child enjoy clear, crisp, comfortable vision.

Catching Signs of Eye Problems In Your Child

As stated earlier, your child might not have the ability to communicate that they are having a problem with their eyes. This means it is up to you as a parent to be on the lookout for signs of potential issues.

Potential signs of trouble include if:

  • Your child is covering an eye or squinting their eyes to see
  • Your child has overly red, watery, or itchy eyes
  • Your child is sensitive to light
  • Your child frequently experiences headaches
  • Your child is having problems concentrating, or actively avoids activities that involve their vision
  • Your child is having trouble seeing the computer or television
  • Your child often holds objects, such as books or toys close, to their face

If you notice any of these issues occurring, please book your child in for a comprehensive eye exam. The actions you take today can protect your child’s vision for tomorrow and beyond.

OHIP Covers Children’s Eye Exams

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) covers the cost of eye exams for residents of Ontario up to and including the age of 19. Children are eligible for one eye exam every year, as well as any required follow-ups.

Book your next appointment with us and protect your child’s eye health and vision.

We’re Looking Forward to Seeing You!

We are conveniently located in the Eagle Ridge Medical Complex on Huronia Road, with plenty of paid parking ($3 for the whole day) available during office hours.

Our Address

500 Huronia Road, Suite 207
Barrie, ON L4N 8X3

Contact Us

Phone: (705) 733-8883
[email protected]

Clinic Hours
Closed from 23rd Dec to 3rd Jan.

9:30 AM to 7 PM
9:30 AM to 7 PM
9:30 AM to 5 PM
9:30 AM to 5 PM

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