Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management


Eye Diseases Can Steal Your Sight

The greatest concern when it comes to eye diseases is that they are often asymptomatic, meaning there is almost no way to detect that you have an eye disease on your own. The only way to prevent vision loss from eye diseases is to have regular eye exams.

Dr. Chan is trained to diagnose the signs of eye diseases before your vision is compromised, and can help you manage and mitigate your symptoms so that you have control over the health of your eyes.

Types of Eye Disease

Glaucoma is sometimes referred to as the silent thief of sight. Most forms of glaucoma develop slowly and without symptoms, meaning the disease can cause irreversible vision loss before you even know you have it. Regular eye exams are the best way to detect glaucoma early and protect your sight.

Glaucoma is characterized by progressive damage to the optic nerve.

The two most common types of glaucoma are:

  • Open-angle glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma. It occurs when the eye’s drainage system (known as the trabecular meshwork) no longer works properly, preventing fluid from draining from the eye. As the fluid builds up, the eye’s pressure increases. Prolonged elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) causes damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. The only way to detect open-angle glaucoma is through a comprehensive eye exam.
  • Acute angle-closure glaucoma. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is much less common but is far more sudden and serious. When the angle between the iris and the cornea becomes blocked, it rapidly raises your IOP. Symptoms include sudden onset eye pain, headaches, and nausea. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is considered to be a medical emergency and needs to be treated immediately.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of severe vision loss in adults over 50. There are two types of AMD:

  • Dry macular degeneration. This form of AMD occurs when small deposits of lipids, called drusen, form underneath the macula. This form of the disease typically develops slowly, but eventually leads to central vision loss.
  • Wet macular degeneration. Wet AMD is less common than its dry counterpart, but accounts for almost 90% of all blindness related to AMD. It occurs when tiny and delicate new blood vessels begin to form under the macula. These vessels are weak, leaking blood and fluids into the macula, leading to vision loss. Wet AMD can cause rapid deterioration of your vision and is considered to be a medical emergency.

Your risk of developing AMD increases if you smoke, have a poor diet, have diabetes, or if you have a family history of AMD.

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a common eye condition that can happen for a variety of reasons. While the underlying cause varies, the symptoms include redness, excessive tearing, discharge, irritation, and itching. The 3 most common types of conjunctivitis are:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by contracting a bacteria and is highly contagious. It requires antibiotics to treat, so visit an optometrist as soon as possible to find relief and stop the spread of the disease.
  • Viral conjunctivitis is developed by contracting a virus and is also highly contagious. It doesn’t necessarily need treatment, but a visit to an optometrist can help give you effective management options.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when you experience an allergic reaction. This happens if you have allergies to dust, pollen, or pet hair, for example. If you are experiencing an allergic reaction, you can manage your symptoms through eye drops or allergy medications, but see your optometrist for a definitive diagnosis.

Cataracts are a common eye condition that can develop over time simply as a result of ageing. As you grow older, the crystalline lens of your eye can become denser, less flexible, and less transparent. This results in a milky, cloudy haze in your lens that could impair your vision. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you could be recommended stronger glasses or you could be recommended for cataract surgery to replace the cloudy lens with an artificial one.

Your chances of developing cataracts increases if you smoke, have diabetes, or if your family has a history of developing early cataract.

Be Proactive. Don’t Let Eye Diseases Steal Your Vision

The only way to protect yourself from eye diseases is by undergoing annual eye exams. Book your appointment today so you can safeguard your sight and your quality of life.

We’re Looking Forward to Seeing You!

We are conveniently located in the Eagle Ridge Medical Complex on Huronia Road, with plenty of paid parking ($3 for the whole day) available during office hours.

Our Address

500 Huronia Road, Suite 207
Barrie, ON L4N 8X3

Contact Us

Phone: (705) 733-8883
[email protected]

Clinic Hours
Closed from 23rd Dec to 3rd Jan.

9:30 AM to 7 PM
9:30 AM to 7 PM
9:30 AM to 5 PM
9:30 AM to 5 PM

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