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Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry in Barrie can help you cope with the itchy and watery eyes associated with spring eye allergies


Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry in Barrie can help you cope with the itchy and watery eyes associated with spring eye allergies

Looking forward to spring but not the itchy, watery eyes that spring allergens bring?  With the warmer weather also comes the world of spring allergens – weeds, spores, grass, tree pollens.  For those who suffer from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, symptoms of itching, burning/stinging, swelling and tearing will be in overdrive and apt to stay for months.

Often times, patients will self-treat with over-the-counter eye drops.  These eye drops include many older 1st generation anti-allergy medications such as Vasocon-A, Opcon-A and Emadine.  Some of these are simply decongestants or vasoconstrictors that ‘whiten’ the eyes and when used for extended period of time can trigger rebound redness.  Many must be dosed at least three times a day.  Some are pure mast cell stabilizers that do not relieve the acute symptoms of ocular allergies.

For mild cases, avoidance of allergens (ex. staying inside during peak pollen days, keeping the car windows rolled up, avoiding eye rubbing, washing your hair before going to bed, changing the modality of your contact lenses to daily disposable ones) and palliative measures like artificial tears (to dilute the allergens on the ocular surface) and cold compresses will suffice.  For moderate cases, we now have multi-mechanism products that combine the long-term effects of mast cell stabilizers with immediate anti-histamine relief.  These antihistamines/mast cell stabilizers (like Zaditor and Pataday) are targeted therapy that specifically address the underlying inflammation and offer rapid relief of symptoms while minimizing the side effects.  For severe allergic conjunctivitis, newer ester-based steroids safely and efficiently control the inflammation, bringing immediate relief.

We can help you cope with the signs and symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.  Visit Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry in Barrie if you suffer from eye allergies.

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