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Myopia control take a big step forward with innovative ophthalmic lens MiyoSmart!

A non-invasive, highly efficacious and cost effective way to manage myopia in children is here! MiyoSmart is an innovative ophthalmic lens for myopia control developed by HOYA, in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It is estimated by 2050, 50% of the population will be myopic and 10% very myopic. Many factors, such as […]

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Great moment for Canada and women in Science – Congratulations to Dr. Donna Strickland

Dr. Donna Strickland, an associate professor at the University of Waterloo (my Alma mater), wins the Nobel Prize for Physics last month.  She is only the third woman to have done so.  She joins two other remarkable women – Marie Curie (in 1903) and Maria Goeppert-Mayer (in 1963) – who have accomplished such feats.  Her chirped pulse […]

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Instant Contact Lens Rebate with no additional work – see us at Dr. Mei-Ling Chan

Bausch + Lomb recently came up with a solution to the annoying rebate program and we are excited to offer it to our patients!  When you purchase a year supply of the ULTRA monthly disposable contact lenses, you get a one-year supply of Biotrue multipurpose solution, a year’s worth of fresh contact lens cases PLUS a […]

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ESEL coming to an end – have your JK kid’s eyes checked

As summer gears up and we approach the end of June, the Eye See Eye Learn program also comes to an end for the 2016/2017 school year.  However, we continue another year of ensuring our youngest learners have good vision to start Junior Kindergarten!  July 1, 2017 (until June 30, 2018) marks the beginning of the 2017/2018 […]

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Uncomfortable eyes, watery eyes, fluctuating vision, frequent need to use eye drops? Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry can help

Point of care testing and a new medication at her disposable, Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry can help those suffering from ocular surface disease.Ocular surface (dry eye) disease is the most common condition seen in optometric practice with a prevalence ranging from 8 to 29%.  Unfortunately, its prevalence continues to rise due in part to the ubiquitous […]

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November is National Diabetes Awareness Month – take the test to assess your risk factor for diabetes

The current number of people living with diabetes in Canada is approximately 3.3 million and sadly the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically with current estimates confidently predicting a doubling of cases by 2025. In addition to a host of systemic diseases diabetes is linked to, such as cardiovascular disease, lower limb amputations, kidney failure, it also gives […]

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Remember to put eye exam on your child’s Back-to-School checklist

The 2015-2016 school year has come to a close.  For children and adults, it is time to take a break and enjoy the summer! Before we do that, I’d like to encourage parents to put eye exam on next year’s Back to School checklist. Eye See Eye Learn (ESEL) – an initiative between the Ontario Association […]

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