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Barrie eye doctor – what you need to know about glaucoma

Coming to an optometrist means that you are getting a complete eye exam, not just a prescription check.  While the spectacle prescription is important, people often do not realize the other things that we screen for, one of which is glaucoma.  Here is the skinny on glaucoma.  You may have heard the term, but not […]

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Ocular Nutrition (with Real Food) for Good Eye Health

Here we go again with another round of New Year’s resolutions to lead a healthier lifestyle by ‘eating right’ and exercising.  As those exercise gurus would say – get the body you’ve always wanted and get rid of those holiday indulgences of second servings and extra round of drinks!  Kidding aside, what about eating right […]

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2 Innovative Lenses: Introductory Progressive Lenses and Anti-Fatigue Lenses

Introductory Progressive Lenses – the “training wheels” of Progressive (No-line bifocal) Lenses It’s common for new presbyopic patients (those with “old eyes”) to put off getting progressive lenses, and just “make do” with over-the-counter readers.  But they are missing out on the opportunity to adjust to the world of progressive lenses.  They may think that […]

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Safety of Prescription Glasses ordered online

In our increasing internet-based society today, online purchase is the norm for many.  The same Boxing Day and post-holiday sales that we have traditionally lined up for in brick-and-mortar stores are now available on the internet.  Eyeglass purchases are no exception.  However, the next time you consider purchasing your eye wear online, consider this:  Who […]

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Can’t see? Vision getting worse? Advice from your Barrie eye doctor.

Once you hit your 40s, you may notice that you need to hold nearby objects like books further and further away (or move them back and forth) to find a spot where you can see them clearly.  This is normal, but you really want to make sure there is nothing going on that is not […]

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Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry introduces se. from Scandinavian Eyewear

The se. line from Scandinavian Eyewear New to our office is the se. line from Scandinavian Eyewear.  This Swedish eyewear company has been designing frames since 1948.  With its classic skaga brand, the company’s design has a clear emphasis on the Scandinavian style.   The company has also partnered with our local lab Barrie Ophthalmic (BOC).  […]

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May is Vision Health Month; Get an eye exam and support the CNIB

May is Vision Health Month and as part of this nationwide awareness campaign, CNIB and Doctors of Optometry Canada are calling on all Canadians to do one simple thing that could save their sight:  Get an eye exam from a Doctor of Optometry.  As part of Vision Health Month, Dr. Mei-Ling Chan is proud to […]

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Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry in Barrie can help you cope with the itchy and watery eyes associated with spring eye allergies

Looking forward to spring but not the itchy, watery eyes that spring allergens bring?  With the warmer weather also comes the world of spring allergens – weeds, spores, grass, tree pollens.  For those who suffer from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, symptoms of itching, burning/stinging, swelling and tearing will be in overdrive and apt to stay for […]

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Eye See…Eye Learn (ESEL) is coming to Barrie! Book your child’s eye appointment today.

Eye See…Eye Learn (ESEL) is coming to Barrie!  Book your child’s eye appointment today. With March break almost upon us, it is difficult to think of school.  But for children entering kindergarten this fall, parents will find information on an exciting program in their registration package. Starting July 1st, 2013 the Ontario Association of Optometrists […]

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